Outdoor learning
We aim to help our children to recognise themselves as stewards of the earth, following God’s call by respecting themselves, respecting others and taking responsibility for how their own actions affect the whole planet. We want all children to know that when learning about local, national and global issues they can use their voices and actions to make a change. Our group of Eco Stewards take on the responsibility to promote this way of thinking and educate their peers and the whole school family. At St Mark’s, we aim to accept the invitation of Laudato Si (Pope Francis’ letter to us all) and through meetings, discussions and actions in school we will work towards the common goal of looking after our Common Home.
The children learned how to plant fruit trees and successfully planted 21 of them.
Flower Bed
A bird’s-eye view of our flower bed as seen from the sky on Apple Maps.
Green House
Our children are going to learn to grow vegetables in our newly set up green house.