Our Parish Community

St. Mark’s School is an integral part of the wider St. Mark’s Parish community.

The Parish Church is located close to the school. 

The pupils and staff are frequent visitors to church, attending Mass and other special services each term.

Fr. Luke is the Parish Priest and he is also a frequent visitor to school. As a school family we attend a weekly Mass on a Wednesday.  This is either in school or in church.

The support from our parish priest, Fr Luke, and from the parish community as a whole is invaluable in contributing towards our pupils’ spiritual journey. 

Please find a link to the parish website. 

Parish Announcements

First Holy Communion is an important moment in the life of a person which expresses deep union with Jesus Christ and his Church, this union is so deep that we call it ‘communion’. It is important that anyone preparing to receive this sacrament is supported by their family and is practicing the faith by coming to Mass regularly. Therefore, as a parish family we endeavour to support all families of children preparing for Holy Communion, by prayer, accompaniment and teaching. This year it is a requirement that one or both parents attend an Alpha Course (Introduction to Christianity) at either St Marks (on a Wednesday evening) or St Mary Magdalen’s (on a Wednesday lunchtime). This course will start on the 15th of November finishing before Lent, with a break for Christmas, and will feature a day retreat on 13th of January. A meal is served as part of the course on Wednesday evenings and a light lunch on Wednesday lunchtimes. Classes at St Marks will be held on Friday evenings, commencing 2nd of February and at St Mary Magdalen’s on Saturday mornings commencing 3rd of February. Closing date for registration is 8th of November 2023.