St Mark’s Catholic Primary School is committed to keeping children safe, and we expect all of our staff and volunteers to uphold this commitment. It is the most important element of our work with children, and we provide a nurturing and safe environment within which children can achieve their full potential.
The range of support available to children at St Mark’s is not limited to academic support. We take an individualised and holistic approach to each child, and we aim to provide support in all areas which may impact on a child’s ability to succeed. Keeping safe, including online safety, is embedded in our whole school curriculum.
We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including the school’s Child Protection Policy which can be viewed on request or in the documents’ section of our website
The school has nominated staff and governors who deal with issues related to safeguarding:
Miss V Lannigan
Mrs R Birch
Mrs K Taylor
Dr M Keller
Lead DSL
Mrs C McKenna
Designated Safeguarding Governor